Error creating indexes during the installation of the core driver on Linux

  • 7004003
  • 29-Jul-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.6


During the installation of the core driver on linux (fanout driver), the installation will finish with an error message stating that the indexes could not be added to the server
** Error creating indexes

ldap_search_ext_s: No such object

Index deletion failed.


This issue has been resolved in IDM 3.6.1, for those customers still on IDM 3.6 it is recommended they move to 3.6.1. 
If this is not possible there are two workarounds.
The first workaround is to tell the installation that the eDirectory instance is not local to the core
driver install, this will let the user specify the LDAP DN to the server object which then allows the indexes to be created properly.
The second workaround is to manually add the indexes, this is documented in TID 3453314