Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 18
How to enable web console (http console) for GroupWise
WebAccess application
Steps for GroupWise 7,8, & 12
Edit the webacc.cfg file with a text editor
The default location for webacc.cfg is as follows
for GroupWise 7
on NetWare - sys:\novell\webaccess
on Linux - /opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess
on Windows - c:\novell\webaccess
Steps for GroupWise 8 and 2012
on NetWare - sys:\novell\groupwise\webaccess
on Linux - /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess
on Windows - c:\novell\groupwise\webaccess
Search for the line "Admin.WebConsole.enable=false " change it
"Admin.WebConsole.enable=true " and save the changes.
Restart the tomcat service.
"rctomcat5 restart" or "rctomcat6 restart" on SLES,
"rcnovell-tcomat5 restart" or "rcnovell-tomcat6 restart" on OES2
(Linux), "java -exit" and "tomcat4" on NetWare, and click on start
| run and type services.msc and restart the tomcat
Type in the following URL to access the WebAccess application
web console in a web browser
(replace the webacess_applicaton_server with actual server IP
or DNS name)
Steps for GroupWise 2014
From the server, go to
Edit the webacc.cfg file with a text editor
Search for Admin.WebConsole.enable=false and change it to
Search for Admin.RestService.host= and change it to
the local IP address of the WebAccess Server.
Restart the tomcat service "rctomcat6 restart" on SLES,
"rcnovell-tcomat6 restart" on OES2 (Linux).
Note: If there is no gwadminservice running on the webaccess
server, the IP address of a domain that has the gwadminservice
should be entered in the Admin.RestService.host field. The
Webaccess will also require IP access to this domains IP address
and gwadminservice port.
Type in the following URL to access the WebAccess application
web console in a web browser
(replace the webacess_applicaton_server with actual server IP
or DNS name)
Steps for GroupWise 18
From the server, go to
Edit the webacc.cfg file with a text editor
Search for Admin.WebConsole.enable=false and change it to
Search for Admin.RestService.host= and change it to
the local IP address of the WebAccess Server.
Restart the tomcat service "systemctl restart grpwise-tomcat.service" on
Note: If there is no gwadminservice running on the webaccess
server, the IP address of a domain that has the gwadminservice
should be entered in the Admin.RestService.host field. The
Webaccess will also require IP access to this domains IP address
and gwadminservice port.
Type in the following URL to access the WebAccess application
web console in a web browser
(replace the webacess_applicaton_server with actual server IP
or DNS name)
Additional Information
Web console is very useful to access the logs and
configuration files also useful in monitoring logged in user