Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management on Linux Support Pack 1 - ZDML7 SP1
Installing ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 Interim Release 4a
After installation, Wake-On-LAN and Inventory services will not start, even if server is rebooted.
After installation, Wake-On-LAN and Inventory services will not start, even if server is rebooted.
Fixed in ZENworks 7 Desktop Management on Linux Service Pack 1 Interim Release 4b, available at https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=3wTSDvAiSgw~ - use this to install on new servers.
Workaround, if IR4a has been installed:
- Run the following command at the bash prompt to refresh the LDAP server:
ldapconfig -R - Run the following command to start the Inventory service
/etc/init.d/novell-zdm-inv start - Run the following command to start the Wake-on-LAN service
/etc/init.d/novell-zdm-wol start
Additional Information
The cause of the problem is that the changes made by the ZENworks installer to the Novell eDirectory LDAP SSL settings have not yet been effected.