Novell Access Manager 3.1
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Service Pack 2
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Service Pack 2
Novell Access Manager has been configured to make use of an MS Active Directory userstore.
While trying to create a group based policy the AC opens a new windows:
The Novell Access Manager documentation does not state which syntax is required in order to run the requested filter
While trying to create a group based policy the AC opens a new windows:
"Filter:________________ Query
[Too many items to display]
[Too many items to display]
The Novell Access Manager documentation does not state which syntax is required in order to run the requested filter
The following syntax can be used for the filter option:
- LDAP Group the query string is "(cn=<strFilter>)"
- LDAP OU the query string is "(ou=<strFilter>)"
If LDAP Attribute: memberof
comparison: String: Equals
Mode Case: Sensitive
Value: Data Entry Field" CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=kgast,DC=nam,DC=com
Result on Condition Error: False
Activate Role: AdminUser
comparison: String: Equals
Mode Case: Sensitive
Value: Data Entry Field" CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=kgast,DC=nam,DC=com
Result on Condition Error: False
Activate Role: AdminUser