Cannot open attachments from Webaccess in Internet Explorer 6

  • 7003830
  • 08-Jul-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise WebAccess 7 Support Pack 3 Hot Patch 3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10


Cannot open attachments from WebAccess in Internet Explorer 6 .
Cannot open pdf and text files as attachments from WebAccess in Internet Explorer 6.
IE 6 displays file not found when opening attachments in WebAccess


Reinstall the GroupWise Webaccess  Application on the  Server .

Patching WebAccess Application (GroupWise 7)
  1. Download and extract the support pack.
  2. Launch Shell Konsole.
  3. Shut down all the GroupWise Agents by typing "rcgrpwise stop " without quotes and press Enter.
  4. Browse to the Support Pack Directory using the cd command.
  5. Type "./install " without quotes and press Enter.
  6. Select the language and click OK.
  7. Click "Install Products".
  8. Click "GroupWise WebAccess".
  9. Click "Install WebAccess Application" if the Server is OES Linux OR it SLES 9/10 and the GroupWise Instance of Apache and Tomcat is not being used
    Click "Install WebAccess Application with Apache and Tomcat" on SLES 9/10 if the GroupWise Instance of Apache and Tomcat is being used. (This option is available only on SLES9/10 and not on OES linux)
  10. Look at the notes section to find out if GroupWise Instance of Apache and Tomcat is being used or not being used.
    Please type "rcapache2 restart " and "rcnovell-tomcat4 " restart on OES 1.
    Please type "rcapache 2 restart " and "rcnovell-tomcat5 " restart on OES 2.
    Please type "rcapache2 restart " and "rctomcat restart " on SLES 9 if GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat is not being used.
    Please type "rcapache2 restart " and "rctomcat5 restart " on SLES 10 if GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat is not being used.
    Please type "/etc/init.d/novell-httpd restart " and "/etc/init.d/novell-tomcat4 restart " without quotes on SLES 9/10 if GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat is being used.

Additional Information

-This issue was observed using the GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat as Webaccess Application
  on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.
-The symptoms was seen after GroupWise was upgraded from Support Pack 3 Hot Patch 1 to Support Pack 3
  Hot Patch 3.

-Attachments open fine with Mozilla Firefox Browser.

To find out if GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat is being used on SLES 9/10, please follow the steps listed below
1. Launch Shell Konsole.
2. Type "/etc/init.d/novell-httpd status" and if we see it running, then most probably GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat is being used.