SDM (Sentinel Database Manager) shows tablespace sizes of 9999999

  • 7003784
  • 07-Jul-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Sentinel 6.1 Sentinel Database Manager


When logged into SDM under the Tablespaces tab you will see a line item for the Sent_lobs tablespace.  Total space will show a number of 9999999.  Free space will also show 9999999.

This is caused by the default unrestricted growth settings in the database for this tablespace. The calculation that SDM tries to use to calculate shows the maximum size as infinite so it ends up showing the largest size it can which results in the 9999999 digits.

This can also be seen in some instances with other tablespaces depending on their maximum size setting.




If this setting is not desired for any given tablespace and a maximum, finite tablespace size should be set then the database management tools should be used to set a maximum size for the tablespace.  Consult with your Database Administrator (DBA) and database system documentation for steps to restrict the auto-growth settings of the datafiles associated with the tablespace showing an infinite size in SDM.