Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7
MSI application, delivered to workstation by BITS (Background
Intelligent Transfer Service)
Logged-in user has limited rights to c:\nalcache
MSI error 1612 when launching application
Logged-in user has limited rights to c:\nalcache
MSI error 1612 when launching application
To obtain a hot patch with the fix for this problem, follow the
instructions in KB 3484245 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop
Management" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
Additional Information
BITS puts the files into the system temp directory (normally c:\windows\temp) and ZDM
was moving the files to c:\nalcache - Windows
retains the permissions for the files if they are moved, and if the
logged-in user did not have explicit permissions for the c:\nalcache directory,
they were unable to launch the MSI.