Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2
ConsoleOne 1.3.6h on Windows XP workstations
Enabled File Commit in the Novell Client settings.
Logged in to the workstation as an user without administrative rights .
Launching ConsoleOne throws an error "To avoid problems with database integrity, please enable File Commit in the Novell Client settings".
Works fine for administrator or for users with administrative rights.
Logged in to the workstation as an user without administrative rights .
Launching ConsoleOne throws an error "To avoid problems with database integrity, please enable File Commit in the Novell Client settings".
Works fine for administrator or for users with administrative rights.
Reported to engineering.
To administer GroupWise using GroupWise 8 administration snapins, login as administrator on the local workstation.
To administer GroupWise using GroupWise 8 administration snapins, login as administrator on the local workstation.
Additional Information
Steps to duplicate:
- Use GroupWise 8, GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1 or GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2 administration snapins.
- Use ConsoleOne 1.3.6h.
- In the Novell Client settings, enable File Commit.
- Login as administrator or the user with administrative rights to the workstation.
- Launch ConsoleOne and it works just fine.
- Login to the workstation as an user without administrative rights .
- Launch ConsoleOne, it throws up the error "To avoid problems with database integrity, enable File Commit in the Novell Client settings" , even when File Commit is already enabled at the Novell Client settings.