Installation of the ZLM agent to IA64 systems fail with signature: BAD error

  • 7003630
  • 24-Jun-2009
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management - ZLM7.2
Novell ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management - ZLM7.3


 error: /mnt/zlm/data/packages/client/sles-10-ia64/zmd- Header V3 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD, key ID a1912208
error: /mnt/zlm/data/packages/client/sles-10-ia64/zmd- cannot be installed


Change the security level on the existing zmd agent from Signature to None:  rug set security-level none

Then restart the agent installation.

Additional Information

See ZLM 7.3 documentation for Setting Up a Managed Device