ZENworks Reporting Server fails to install on multihomed Linux servers, also will not run properly

  • 7003624
  • 23-Jun-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2


On some Linux servers, ZRS 10.2 fails to install properly.  Multihomeed after install, will not run properly.
ERROR (from ZENworks Reporting Server*.xml):
cannot create regular file
`/opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/InfoViewApp/WEB-INF/lib': No such file or directory

ERROR (from wdeploy_*.log):
Application's war file or application's source tree not found!
Application's war file or application's source tree not found!
Application's war file or application's source tree not found!


This is a limitation of the Business Objects engine.  The BOE does not function correctly on a multi-homed machine. This is because BOE resolves using the host name and not the IP address.
On a server having two IP entries for a single host name, BOE services behave in an unpredictable way.

Additional Information

Confirm that the hardware and OS configuration meets the minimum system requirements for ZRS. 
In one case, the server had two NICs each named with same name.  Host file showed:
x.x.x.x zrsserver.company.com zrsserver
a.a.a.a zrsserver.company.com zrsserver
Removing the second entry and flushing DNS prior to install resolved the issue.