Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2
eDirectory is configured as user source. When a user logs in, incorrect bundles and policies are being applied and pushed to the managed device. Objects with the same common name exist in different parts of the tree, e.g., "SmithA.Sales.Corp.Novell" and "SmithA.Users.Lab.Corp.Novell"
This is working as designed.
Because login via the Zenworks Configuration Management GINA is contextless, it is not possible in this circumstance to control which user ZCM will pick to authenticate with. User names will need to be unique throughout the eDirectory tree.
Because login via the Zenworks Configuration Management GINA is contextless, it is not possible in this circumstance to control which user ZCM will pick to authenticate with. User names will need to be unique throughout the eDirectory tree.
Additional Information
The use of the Novell Client with an eDirectory source, would allow a container to be specified (e.g., Sales, or Lab). However, ZCM uses LDAP and will not recognize the context specified in the Novell Client.
This problem does not occur with AD as the user store, as AD does not support duplicate CNs in the same forest.