Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2
While composing emails from Groupwise WebAccess, not able to send emails with attachments .
Refreshing the page do not send the message, and the attachments disappear.
Reattaching the attachments, shows the attachments twice.
Works fine with Groupwise Client.
Refreshing the page do not send the message, and the attachments disappear.
Reattaching the attachments, shows the attachments twice.
Works fine with Groupwise Client.
- Launch ConsoleOne .
- Under nds view / Expand the domain containing the WebAccess Object.
- Go to the properties of GroupwiseWebAccess / Application / Settings and make sure option "open attachments in native format is enabled".
- Go to security settings and make sure caching is not disabled.
- Clear out cookies and private data from the Internet options of the browser.
- Reload Apache, Tomcat and WebAccess agent.