Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2
The upgrade to zcm 10.2 ends with errors about pre-global actions.
The upgrade ends with errors due to schema problems.
After the upgrade, options are missing in ZCC.
The upgrade ends with errors due to schema problems.
After the upgrade, options are missing in ZCC.
Backup the ZCM database:
- zman db <backup directory> Backs up the embedded Sybase SQL Anywhere database
- <backup directory> - The local directory on the database server or the network location where the database files are backed up. Ensure that the parent directory already exists and has sufficient disk space.
- <backup directory> - The local directory on the database server or the network location where the database files are backed up. Ensure that the parent directory already exists and has sufficient disk space.
Extend the ZCM database Schema:
Extract pre-global-actions-10.2.0.jar file
Extract pre-global-actions-10.2.0.jar file
Windows: C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks\work\system-update\apply\<guid>\pre-globalactions-10.2.0.jar
Linux: /var/opt/novell/zenworks/content-repo/system-update/<guid>/pre-globalactions-10.2.0.jar
It will create the following file structure where it gets extracted:
Use the folder for the type of database being used (e.g. embedded sybase will be sql-anywhere folder). The schema *.sql files have to be ran in a specific order. This order can be found in the META-INF/system-update.properties in the extracted fileset. The beginning of the file gives the order, and some files in the system-update.properties file will not be available in the extracted database folder, just skip those. Make sure each one completes before running the next.
To run the sql files for the embedded sybase database, use dbisql which gets installed with ZCM.
Windows: run dbisql from the command line
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/sybase/bin32s/dbisql
NOTE: To get the credentials for the Sybase SQL database for authentication, run "zman dgc". For other databases refer to the database administrator for making a connection to run the referenced *.sql files.
If an error is returned for any .sql script, run it again.
NOTE: if the assetmgmt_update.sql file returns a message about being too large and dbisql truncates it. Open the file in an editor and create new smaller files from each of the 5 sections noted in the file. Run each of these in dbisql.
To run the files, open them from the file menu, and then execute them (F9).
NOTE: if the assetmgmt_update.sql file returns a message about being too large and dbisql truncates it. Open the file in an editor and create new smaller files from each of the 5 sections noted in the file. Run each of these in dbisql.
To run the files, open them from the file menu, and then execute them (F9).
When finished, restart the zcm services: novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
After the schema, run this command to make sure the global properties are set"
novell-zenworks-configure -c ZoneConfigUpdateConfigureAction
Additional Notes for failed upgrades:
To re-run all the msi's/rpm's, run the following command:
Windows: zenupdater -v -c "%ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\system-update\<guid>\update_commands.xml"
Linux: zenupdater -v -c /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/system-update/<guid>/update_commands.xml
Novell-zenworks-configure -c CreateExtractorPacks -Z
zman surp "<update name>"
zman surp "<update name>"
Restart services: novell-zenworks-configure -c Start