Novell GroupWise Messenger 1.0
Novell GroupWise Messenger 2.0
Novell GroupWise Messenger 2.0
Unable to see Contacts in GroupWise Messenger Client after the moving the Contact's user account in NDS to a different container
Contacts being deleted after moving the users to a different container
Moving users to a different container removes the users from the contact list of the messenger
Moved the users from one container to another container in eDirectory using ConsoleOne without Messenger snapins
Install the Messenger snapins in ConsoleOne, before moving the users in eDirectory. Without Messenger snapins in ConsoleOne, eDirectory simply moves the eDirectory objects and does not update the Messenger attributes in any way that they have moved.
Follow the steps listed below to install GroupWise Messenger Snapins
- Shut down ConsoleOne.
- Browse to Messenger Software Directory\server\c1admin .
- Copy the Contents of the c1admin directory and paste it to c:\novell\ConsoleOne\1.2 or any other location where ConsoleOne is installed.
- Shut down ConsoleOne.
- Browse to Messenger Software Directory\groupwise_messenger\server directory.
- Type "rpm -ivh novell-groupwise-c1admin* " and press Enter.