Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
Linux installed on an HP server
POA unable to receive the mail from MTA after a restart
POA stops listening on MTP inbound port after restarting the POA
POA works fine after a reboot but stops working when it is restarted
Unable to perform an exclusive bind to the IP Address for the POA
Disable HP Insight Manager by following the steps listed below
- Using Shell Konsole or a terminal session or a putty session, type cd /etc/init.d/rc5.d.
- Type ls | grep hp.
- Type chkconfig serviceName offfor all HP services. Eg. chkconfig hpsm off.
Normally there would be three services - hpsm, hpism, hpsmdb. - Restart the server by typing init
5001 is in use. Check to see if port 5001 is in use or is listening with another application by executing the command: netstat -npl | grep 5001.
The application that has port 5001 will be listed in the results.
In one case iperf was using port 5001. Killing iperf before loading the POA allowed the POA to load properly.
This has been reported to development.