ZENworks 11.2 update fails on primary server if the iso is extracted

  • 7003391
  • 06-Apr-2012
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Support Pack 2 - ZCM 11 SP2 System Update


If the ISO for the ZENworks 11 SP2 update is extracted or the files from the ISO are copied, the update will fail with an error similar to the following error message:

[UpdateDownloader]Unable to download content from server (file://C:\ZENworks11SP2\Common).  Will attempt alternate URLs
[SystemUpdateDownloader]Error downloading update com.novell.zenworks.systemupdate.exceptions.SystemUpdateException: Unable to download content for command (<GUID>) from any server


According to documentation (https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks11/zen11_upgrade/data/brn2dm5.html), the ISO file must be mounted or burned to a DVD.  Do not try to update by extracting the ISO unless instructed to do so by Novell Support.


Extracting the ISO or copying it's contents locally is not a tested procedure to update a primary server, and is not supported by Novell.