Unable to start any drivers after installing or upgrading to Novell Identity Manager 3.6 on Solaris

  • 7003360
  • 27-May-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.6
Sun Solaris 9
Sun Solaris 10


Identity Manager 3.6 installs jre 1.6.0_06 to /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules and should set /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules/jre as a symbolic link to this directory. However, if, for any reasons the jre directory is already there and it is not a symbolic link already to some other java versions, it will not be deleted and thus the symbolic link cannot be created. As a result none of the drivers can be started because JVM cannot be initialized with the following errors:

Message: (-9956) DirXMLVerbHandler::construct: An error occurred while constructing an object: failed, VR Driver Interface Module not loaded (-783).

67 MISC: INFO: jvmload: dlopen() error: ld.so.1: ndsd: fatal: /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules/jre/lib/sparc/libjava.so: open failed: No such file or directory
67 MISC: INFO: jvmload: No JVM module found
67 DVRS: INFO: DirXML JVM interface initialization failed <failed, -299 (0xfffffed5)>, unloading DIRXML


Delete the /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules/jre directory - after checking no other application needs it and create a symbolic link to the proper jre IDM needs to use:

ln -s /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules/jre1.6.0_06 /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules/jre

Once the symbolic link is created eDirectory needs to be restarted