Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2
Simple interface of WebAccess being used
Unable to see Attached mail in simple interface of WebAccess
Original mail and Attached mail shows the same contents in simple interface of WebAccess
Original mail and Attached mail shows the same contents if both the mails are in HTML format in simple interface of WebAccess
GroupWise Client and Normal interface of WebAccess shows the correct contents
Apply GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1 or later.
Please follow the steps listed in the following link to apply the GroupWise Patch
https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=3215004&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_TID_1_1&dialogID=83135689&stateId=0 0 83137542 0 83137542
Additional Information
Steps to Duplicate:
- Login to GroupWise Client as "user1".
- Send a mail in HTML format to "user2" with subject "mail1 " and body "mail1 ".
- Send a mail in HTML or Plain Text format to "user2 " with subject "mail2 " and body "mail2 ".
- Login to GroupWise Client as "user2".
- Now reply to mail with subject "mail2 " in HTML format and type "mail1 attached " in the body.
- Now attach the mail with subject "mail1" to the above mail by dragging the mail to the reply window.
- Send the mail.
- Lauch Internet Explorer or Firefox or any other browser and type http://IPAddressOfWebaccess/gw/webacc?User.interface=simple and press Enter.
- Login as "user1".
- Open the mail that was sent in step 7.
- Open the attached mail and the contents of the attached mail would be missing but it would show the contents of the original mail i.e "mail1 attached".