Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 8
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1
Running DHCP and Preboot Services (PDHCP) on the same NetWare 6.5 server.
1. Map a drive to the NetWare SYS volume on a Windows XP or Vista 32-bit
2. Browse to the following directory and look for this file:
3. Install this on a workstation.
4. Then go here:
Look at Section 56.3.3 and start with step 7.