Novell GroupWise 12
Novell GroupWise 8.0.2 HP3
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.2.1
Novell GroupWise 8.0.2 HP3
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.2.1
Personal Address Books (PABs) are not syncing to devices
Some PABs are syncing to devices, while others are not.
PABs taking a long time to download.
Some PABs are syncing to devices, while others are not.
PABs taking a long time to download.
Update to 1.2.2 or build 794 for improved PAB syncing reliability. 1.2.2 allows Datasync to skip over bad contacts and download the remaining contacts in order to get majority of the PAB sync'd or downloaded.
In builds prior to 1.2.2 or build 794, one bad/corrupted contact could prevent the entire PAB from syncing down to Mobility, thus preventing it from reaching the phone.
Additional Information
With 1.2.2, since bad contacts are skipped, it's possible that some contacts will not make it to the device. This can be worked around by exporting and importing the PAB back into GroupWise, deleting the bad contact and readding it, or possible GWChecks using content fixes or pabonly and pabfix misc options. Additional fixes should be available in 1.2.3, when it's released.