Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1 Authentication
What does the following error mean?
"Repeated unsuccessful attempts might clear the cache and prevent you from logging into the ZENworks realm "
Note: This error message will be displayed only when a managed device is disconnected from the network or the primary server is not available. The attempt was for cached logins, and those cached login attempts failed due to incorrect password attempted.
During the cached login process, ZENworks validates the credentials passed into the login prompt with the those that were previously cached (stored inside the MiCasa Server Key Chain).
The Server Key Chain store is a persistent store and maintains the last 10 successfuly logged in users' credentials, so that the agent can use them to do cached logins while in a disconnected state. The store will always be updated with the last successful logged in 10 users per realm.
If a user attempts to login while in offline mode, after 10 unsuccessful tries (per user), the stored credentials for that user will be removed from the MiCasa store. Therefore that user will be unable to perform offline login until the credentials are refreshed (on line authentication is successfully completed).
To resolve:
Confirm why the computer is in unconnected state. For example, is there network connectivity? Is DNS failing to resolve the primary server address? Is the primary server zenserver service running?
After at least one successful login in connected state, the user's entry is written back to MiCasa store and the user is no longer locked out.