Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 32 bit Client
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Windows XP Professional Support Pack 2
Can't upgrade or install GroupWise 8 client on windows
Can't upgrade or install GroupWise 7 client on windows
Error 1904 is displayed when installing GroupWise 7 or 8 client
Error 1904. Module C:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise\gwabl132.dll failed to register.
Error 1904. Module C:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise\gwabdlg.dll failed to register.
Steps to resolve:
1. Uninstall GroupWise client from Add/Remove programs
2. Uninstall Windows NT messaging from Add/Remove programs
3. Run CleanIT tool to clean up the registry entries.
4. Restart Workstation
5. Disable firewall, antivirus and other applications in the taskbar menu of the workstation
6. Delete GroupWise folder located in C:\Novell\ or C:\Program Files\Novell
7. Download and install any version of the GroupWise 6.5 client
8. Restart PC
9. Disable firewall, antivirus and other application in the taskbar menu
10. Install GroupWise 7 or 8 client
Additional Information
CleanIT is a free tool from Messaging Architects
Download CleanIT can be found at http://www.messagingarchitects.com/products/free-gw-tools/email-essentials.html