subjectpurge=subject: Use this switch with GWCheck to remove all messages that have the specified subject. The subject text is case sensitive and must match a message subject obtained using the subjectlist switch. Note that the subject text entered here will delete emails with subject lines that form only a partial match from the start of the subject. So for instance entering the text Win an iPod will not delete an email with the subject WIN AN IPOD, will not delete an email with the subject You Can Win an iPod, but will delete an email with the subject Win an iPod Shuffle .
subjectlist: Use this switch with GWCheck to list all subjects in message databases (msgnn.db). Message subjects are written out to the subdump file that is created in the same directory with the gwcheck.exe file.
attclip: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office. It removes references to lost or orphaned attachment files from message databases, which eliminates QuickFinder indexing errors.
proxyminreset: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office. It removes all proxy minimum user access rights. When setting up proxy access in the GroupWise client using Tools > Options > Security > Proxy Access, users might have inadvertently selected <All User Access> because it always appears at the top of the access list, which would give all users proxy rights to such users' mailboxes without users being aware of the situation. Use proxyminreset periodically to prevent this potential security problem.
checkjoblist: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office. It lists the contents of the GWCheck database (ngwcheck.db) in the post office directory so that you can see what Mailbox/Library Maintenance jobs are queued for processing.
nomsgdb: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. It saves time by checking user databases (userxxx.db) only and skipping message databases.
pabonly: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. It saves time by checking only personal address books.
pabskip: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. It saves time by skipping personal address book checks.
delsubscriberecords: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. If fix problems is not selected, it removes problem subscription records from the users database that have been know to cause problems with alarms. With the fix problems selected, it removes a different type of problem records that cause problems with Notify. It might be helpful to run it both ways.
pabdelduprec: Use this option when running Analyze/Fix Databases for a post office or a user. This cleans up duplicate personal groups in a personal address group.
Both GroupWise Check and Mailbox/Library Maintenance in ConsoleOne use tab options to control the checking process. For more information on GWcheck, see documentation at https://www.novell.com/documentation/lg/gw65/index.html?page=/documentation/lg/gw65/gw65_admin/data/a3n60l6.html
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10074300