Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
Miggui fails to authenticate to the OES 2 Linux target
The migration.log and the debug.log in /var/opt/novell/migration/<project name>/log/
both have this error:
nbackup: Unable to retrieve the Target Service Name list from<target server name>
The migration.log and the debug.log in /var/opt/novell/migration/<project name>/log/
both have this error:
nbackup: Unable to retrieve the Target Service Name list from<target server name>
Open a terminal to the Linux target server and confirm the
novell-smdrd daemon status:
rcnovell-smdrd status
Restart the daemon if it is running and confirm it loads healthy from terminal screen messages and entries in /var/log/messages:
rcnovell-smdrd stop
rcnovell-smdrd start
Start the service if it is not currently running:
rcnovell-smdrd start
rcnovell-smdrd status
Restart the daemon if it is running and confirm it loads healthy from terminal screen messages and entries in /var/log/messages:
rcnovell-smdrd stop
rcnovell-smdrd start
Start the service if it is not currently running:
rcnovell-smdrd start