Novell NetWare 6.5
An entry has been added to sys:etc/exports to share a NetWare path with NFS clients. However, the path is not actually being exported.
The console command "xnfs share" is not showing this path.
Client command "showmount -e servername" is not showing this path.
SYS:etc\nfs\xnfs.log file shows: Warning : Could not export /VOLUME/DIRECTORY/SHARE. Either the path does not exist or it is not an NSS volume. Failure code : 1022.
Besides the obvious possibilities stated above by the xnfs.log error (volume is not NSS or the path does not exist) there is a subtle factor often overlooked: The path as specified in the sys:etc\exports file must match the NFS name space. NFS name space is case sensitive.
Note: The volume name itself will not be case sensitive; just the portion of path after the volume name. In most cases, directories will be in lower case in this name space.
There are two solution alternatives:
1. Manually delete the entry from sys:etc\exports, then use iManager to create it again. When a new export is created through iManager, it will automatically translate from case-insensitive (long name space) to case-sensitive NFS name space, to avoid this problem. NFS configuration can be found under the "File Protocols" task in iManager.
2. If the sys:etc\exports file must be set manually, there are a couple ways to verify the spelling in the NFS name space:
A. From a Windows workstation, execute (as admin) sys:\public\win32\nwadmn32.exe. Find the volume object and double-click on it. For each directory in the path, right click on the directory, select "Details..." and check the "Identification' page.
B. If you have NetStorage set up, use a web browser to go to http://servername/NetStorage. For each directory in the path, right click and select "Properties." Then go to the "NFS Info" tab. Note that NetStorage provides access to volumes based on mappings found in the user's login script, so access to the volume in question might not already be present.