Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 (OES 1) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) LinuxNovell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux
Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE)
Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
Is it possible or supported to install Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 server?
Is it supported to upgrade the underlying SUSE Linux Server version separate from the Novell Open Enterprise Server, like upgrading the SUSE Linux 10 Support Pack 2 components to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Support Pack 3 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 of a Novel Open Enterprise 2 server?
Is is supported to upgrade the underlying SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 to the next Support Pack release or major release on a server running Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 or Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server 2015?
No, it is not supported to combine the Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 Support Pack 1 add-on with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Support Pack 3 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.
No, it is not supported to upgrade the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version to the next release on a server running Novell Open Enterprise Server, unless this is officially documented by Micro Focus.
Novell Enterprise Services and Micro Focus Enterprice Services are cross-linked to and developed on and for the correlating SUSE Linux Enterprise Sever version.
Breaking this correlation will result in servers that are unsupported, unusable, which can only be corrected through a re-installation, which more than likely will cause data loss.
The following table shows the currently available version combinations supported during the installation:
Novell Open Enterprise Server version: |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version: |
OES 1 |
SLES 9 SP1 |
OES 1 SP1 |
SLES 9 SP2 |
OES 1 SP2 |
SLES 9 SP3 |
OES 2 |
SLES 10 SP1 |
OES 2 SP1 |
SLES 10 SP2 |
OES 2 SP2 | SLES 10 SP3 |
OES 2 SP3 | SLES 10 SP3 (release version of OES 2 SP3) SLES 10 SP4 (as of April 15th 2011) |
OES 11 | SLES 11 SP1 |
OES 11 SP1 |
SLES 11 SP2 |
OES 11 SP2 |
SLES 11 SP3 |
OES 11 SP3 |
SLES 11 SP4 |
OES 2015 |
SLES 11 SP3 |
OES 2015 SP1 |
SLES 11 SP4 |
OES 2018 |
SLES 12 SP2 |
Failing to observe these combinations during the installation will result in several dependency errors, and a failed installation.
Updating the servers in the correct, documented manner will cause the correlated versions to be respected, and the server to be fully supported.
Novell Enterprise Services and Micro focus Enterprise Services are cross-linked to and developed on and for the correlating SUSE Linux Enterprise Sever version.
Additional Information
These rules also apply to servers that are developed using the Novell Open Enterprise Services, such as Novell Open Workgroup Server Small Business Edition.
A Fully patched Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 Service Pack 2 will have SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Support Pack 4 as the underlying Operating System.
It is not advisable to use SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Support Pack 4 during the installation of a Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 Support Pack 2 server.
As SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 is no longer supported June 2009, Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 followed the same course.
During the course of it's lifespan, Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 SP3 was released before the release of SLES Enterprise Server 10 SP 4.
Even though it was supported to install OES2SP3 using SLES10SP3 when it was released, it is recommended as of April 15th, 2011 to install OES2SP3 using SLES10SP4.
More on the support of SLES10SP4 underneath OES2SP3 can be found in TID 7008365
As SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 is no longer supported July 31st 2013, Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 followed the same course.
More on the life cycle of Novell and SUSE products can be found on the Novell Support Life cycle page.