Summary : Spawned 46, Died 10
Pool Workers : Idle 7, Total 36, Peak 39
Ready Work : Current 0, Peak 7, maxWait 192777 us
Sched delay : Min 61 us, Max 1125514 us, Avg: 8376 us
Waiting Work : Current 14, Peak 19
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for Solaris
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for Linux
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for HP-UX
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for AIX
Breakdown of the output from the ndstrace -c threads command:
ndsconfig set n4u.server.max-threads=##
##=The new number for the max-threads setting
A restart of ndsd is required for the setting to take effect.
Additional Information
Thread Pool Information is statistical information used to help tune the ndsd threads.
For example:
Pool Workers : Idle 0, Total 64, Peak 64
Ready Work : Current 4102, Peak 6732, maxWait 697426 us
Tells us that currently all threads are busy processing work (operations/tasks). There are no idle threads that could immediately begin working on work (operations/tasks) in the Ready Work queue. The Ready Work will need to wait until threads that are currently processing work (operations/tasks) completes before it will begin to be processed. At this point in time the maximum amount of time an operation/task has had to wait before being processed is about .7 second (697426us).
The Pool Workers : Idle 0, Total 64, Peak 64 shows us that ndsd is using the max allowed threads in the pool to process all the work (operations/tasks) that are being submitted to eDirectory on this server. This would indicate that for ndsd to process work faster it requires more threads so that work (operations/tasks) do not have to sit in the Ready Work queue for very long before being processed.
The ndsd thread pool does more than maintain LDAP and other ndsd connections - there is schema sync, backlinker, purger, janitor, limber, replica sync, DSA requests, ....
The threads in the ndsd thread pool dynamically process the operations that are being submitted to eDirectory on the server.
Formerly known as TID# 10100480