Installation of SecureLogin triggers Adobe Acrobat accessibilty controls setup

  • 7003179
  • 06-Apr-2012
  • 26-Apr-2012

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided 'as is' for your convenience.


Windows XP
Windows 7
Novell SecureLogin 7 SP1
Novell SecureLogin 7 SP2


After installing SecureLogin to a workstation then when Adobe Acrobat is invoked the application immediately prompts the user to install/setup accessibility controls. This causes a delay while the document is analyzed.


This issue has been reported to engineering for review.
As a workaround the issue can be eliminated by disabling the SecureLogin DotNet support in the registry of the workstation.

To disable single sign on for DotNet applications, set the following registry key and restart SecureLogin. 

DWORD "DisableDotNetSSO" under KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Protocom\SecureLogin

1 = disable sldotnetsso.
0 = default behavior (sldotnetsso enabled).