Replica stuck in a "master done" state.

  • 7003145
  • 28-Apr-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 5.0
Novell BorderManager 3.0
BorderManager using run time license.


Ran "repair time stamps and declare a new epoch" on one of two servers in the tree while the other was down.
Changed master replicas with NDSManager.
Router was up and down.
Replica stuck in a "master done" state.
Replica stuck in a "new" state.


1. Run dsrepair -rc on affected servers.      2. Pick one server that has a real copy of the partition and load dsrepair -a.      3. Run dsrepair -xk2 -xk3 on the other servers in that replica ring. Please see TID 7003126 for steps on running the -xk2 -xk3 procedure.      4. Check synchronization and add replicas back out.

Additional Information

The "master done" state usually processes so fast that it is not seen.  Here it stopped during that step.
Formerly known as TID# 10027767