How can the icons in NetStorage be changed?

  • 7003133
  • 27-Apr-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell NetStorage


Can the icons in NetStorage be changed and if so, how?


The icons are stored in the tomcat\4\webapps\Netstorage\images directory.  Open them in something such as Paint to change to make the changes that are wanted.  Save them and copy them back to the server under a new name.
For example, copy the files word.gif, ppoint.gif and excel.gif from \tomcat\4\webapps\Netstorage\images to a local drive.  Edit them in Paint to change the color from Blue to Red.  Save them back to the server as wordx.gif, ppointx.gif and excelx.gif.
Next edit the justdavindex.html, nsindex.html, ceindex.html, ieindex.html and ecmaindex.html files to add the following:
These files are in the \tomcat\4\webapps\Netstorage directory.  Tomcat does not need to be restarted after this change.