-723 when server is rebooted or when database tries to open

  • 7003127
  • 27-Apr-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Directory Services
Novell eDirectory


Upgraded NDS/eDirectory from a previous version (8.xx, 7.xx, 6.xx).
-723 when server is rebooted or when database tries to open
-632 when server is rebooted or when database tries to open.
Ran dsrepair after upgrade or crash, and repair aborts and will not open database.
One or more files are missing from sys:\_netware directory  (nds.db, nds.01 and nds00001.log files).  
Old ndo.db, ndo.01, and ndo00001.log are present in the same directory.
NWCONFIG says Directory Services is already removed from this server.


It may be possible to restore an old DIB set that was taken prior to the upgrade.
Please contact technical support to restore these files.
Because this is a single server tree, we were able to open the database successfully and xk2'ing the server was not an option, because there are no other servers that hold replicas.


If this was a multiple server environment, after restoring the NDO files you would need to disable synchronization (SET DSTRACE+!s0, that is a zero) and run DSREPAIR -XK2 by following this document for removing replicas off a server.  TID #7001592 - Manually Removing All Replicas From a Server; DSREPAIR -XK2.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10059700