Novell Directory Services
Novell Directory Services FLAIM Database
Novell Directory Services FLAIM Database
Migrated from 4.x to 5.1 nds 8
After a migration, dsrepair reports hundreds or thousands of errors.
Local repair reports: "ERROR: Adding reference to object ID: xxxxx DN: tree name Referenced by attribute: xxx, ACL of object ID: xxx, DN: CN=userid.OU=organization unitname.O=organization.T=treename"
The errors are repeated every time DSREPAIR is run
After a migration, dsrepair reports hundreds or thousands of errors.
Local repair reports: "ERROR: Adding reference to object ID: xxxxx DN: tree name Referenced by attribute: xxx, ACL of object ID: xxx, DN: CN=userid.OU=organization unitname.O=organization.T=treename"
The errors are repeated every time DSREPAIR is run
-XK2 the server by Following TID #7001592 - Manually Removing All Replicas From a Server; DSREPAIR -XK2. Then re-add replicas back to the server. Errors should be gone.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10062969