Novell NetWare 5.0
Novell NetWare 4.11
Novell NetWare 4.11
Replica stuck in DEAD / DYING / TRANSITION MOVE state
NDS Manager reports the server in a TRANSITION MOVE State
DSREPAIR on the server reports the replica in a DEAD / DYING State
NDS Manager reports the server in a TRANSITION MOVE State
DSREPAIR on the server reports the replica in a DEAD / DYING State
Possible Solutions.
1. If the server affected has a Subordinate Reference that is stuck in a Dead state, make sure the server holding the dying S/R does not contain a copy of the parent. If is does not, make sure the replica rings agree that this server is not in the replica ring. This includes the server holding the dying S/R. If it holds itself in the replia ring, then remove it from the ring in DSRepair. Then run a Local Database Repair on the server holding the dying S/R replica. Start DSTrace with +Part, +Sync, +J and let it run for a while. This will most likely remove the dying S/R replica.
If the above does not remove the dying SR then, after verifying synchronization status on ALL servers in the replica ring via DSRepair, simply Add a Read-Write Replica of the partition to that server. Once it goes to a RW ON state, you can Delete the RW replica and it will either remove the replica completely if it does not hold a copy of the parent partition or it will turn it back into a Subordinate Reference in and ON state.
2. If the Server affected has a Read Write replica that is stuck in a Dead state, then preform the following
A. On that server Load DSREPAIR -A | advanced options | Replica and partition operations | <Replica in the Dead state> | Destroy Selected Replica. This will turn the replica into a S/R in a NEW state.
B. On the master replica of the partition, Load DSREPAIR -A | advanced options | Replica and partition operations | <Replica in the Dead state> | View replica ring | Select the server that is in a Dead state | Remove this server from the replica ring.
C. Use NDS Manager to add a RW replica back on the server
1. If the server affected has a Subordinate Reference that is stuck in a Dead state, make sure the server holding the dying S/R does not contain a copy of the parent. If is does not, make sure the replica rings agree that this server is not in the replica ring. This includes the server holding the dying S/R. If it holds itself in the replia ring, then remove it from the ring in DSRepair. Then run a Local Database Repair on the server holding the dying S/R replica. Start DSTrace with +Part, +Sync, +J and let it run for a while. This will most likely remove the dying S/R replica.
If the above does not remove the dying SR then, after verifying synchronization status on ALL servers in the replica ring via DSRepair, simply Add a Read-Write Replica of the partition to that server. Once it goes to a RW ON state, you can Delete the RW replica and it will either remove the replica completely if it does not hold a copy of the parent partition or it will turn it back into a Subordinate Reference in and ON state.
2. If the Server affected has a Read Write replica that is stuck in a Dead state, then preform the following
A. On that server Load DSREPAIR -A | advanced options | Replica and partition operations | <Replica in the Dead state> | Destroy Selected Replica. This will turn the replica into a S/R in a NEW state.
B. On the master replica of the partition, Load DSREPAIR -A | advanced options | Replica and partition operations | <Replica in the Dead state> | View replica ring | Select the server that is in a Dead state | Remove this server from the replica ring.
C. Use NDS Manager to add a RW replica back on the server
3. Try rebooting the server. If the problem is communication, rebooting the server may get the communication functioning again (winsock problems, etc)
NOTE: If it is the only replica left on the server, then using the DSREPAIR -XK2 procedure may be a possible option. See TID #7001592 - Manually Removing All Replicas From a Server; DSREPAIR -XK2 for more information on the XK2 procedure.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10055496