iPrint Linux: bulk management with xml-import

  • 7003077
  • 22-Apr-2009
  • 14-Aug-2013


Novell iPrint for Linux


The iPrint command line management tool, iprntman, enables iPrint administrators to perform management tasks in bulk by importing iPrint configuration data organized in an XML file. 
Note: The information in this TID applies to OES 2, OES11, and the iPrint Appliance.


OES 2:
At a terminal, type this command to import iPrint configuration data to the currently running print manager database:
iprntman psm --xml-import ./customeXML-input.xml -u admin
Run this command while in the directory of the XML file.  The XML file can have any name. 
The username should be an eDir username (only the CN, not the context) that has rights to the Print Manager. 
See the "Additional Information" section of this TID for XML creation instructions.

OES11 and iPrint Appliance:
At a terminal, type these command to import iPrint configuration data:
rcnovell-ipsmd stop
/opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /path/to/XML -u cn=admin,o=WhateverOrg
rcnovell-ipsmd start
replace /path/to/XML with the path to XML file you wish to import.

Additional Information

The Print Manager daemon (ipsmd) auto creates an XML copy of the Print Manager database (psmdb.dat) every 1am and/or every few seconds after a change has been made to the database.  The latest XML copy of that database is /var/opt/novell/iprint/[printmanager.ou.o].psm/padbtxt.xml.  View this file as a guide to create a custom XML to import customer iPrint configuration information.  The <manager> information must be accurate and must exist.  Beyond that, the administrator can define any other valid iPrint XML tags and values.  Most of the tags are self explanitory, and therefore this TID will not explain them all.   However, a few of the tags are less obvious and will be explained. 


A printer agent that exists in the print manager's deleted printer list.  If a workstation has the printer defined in the <redirectedprinter> section installed,  and that printer does not exist in the database as an active printer, then the printer is automatically removed from the workstation. 


Printer Driver Profiles are stored in the print manager database, and therefore are shown in the XML file.  The <data> portion of this tag is binary data which contains the configuration information required by the printer install process to auto-configure the printer settings defined by the administrator. 

By executing the xml-import, any information that is new will be added to the database.  Any information that is different (for example, an existing <printer> with different <gatewayloadstring> value) will be updated with the new value.  Information that exists within the psmdb.dat and is not represented in the XML file will continue without change.