Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1
Additional Information: getUserInfoAPI : Not able to get the userInfo, Account
may not be exist : user, serverName :
may not be exist : user, serverName :
Message ID: POLICYHANDLERS.DLUPolicy.ErrorInEnforcement
ERROR (in zmd-messages.log):
[DEBUG] [04/19/2009 22:44:16.578] [1800] [ZenworksWindowsService] [26] [user] [dlu policy] [] [Exception in ApplyPolicies :
Exception Details: getUserInfoAPI : Not able to get the userInfo, Account may not be exist : user, serverName :
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUPolicyUtil.getUserInfoAPI(String serverName, String userName)
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUUserObject.BackupUser(DLUUserObject backup)
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUUserObject.TakeBackup()
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUPolicyHandler.ApplyPolicies(ApplyPolicyRequest applyPolicyRequest)] [] []
Exception Details: getUserInfoAPI : Not able to get the userInfo, Account may not be exist : user, serverName :
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUPolicyUtil.getUserInfoAPI(String serverName, String userName)
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUUserObject.BackupUser(DLUUserObject backup)
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUUserObject.TakeBackup()
at Novell.Zenworks.PolicyHandlers.DLUPolicy.DLUPolicyHandler.ApplyPolicies(ApplyPolicyRequest applyPolicyRequest)] [] []
[An internal error occurred while enforcing the "DLUWorkstation" policy.]
[Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that
other memory is corrupt.]
[An internal error occurred while enforcing the "DLUWorkstation" policy.]
[Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that
other memory is corrupt.]
This is fixed in version 10.2 - see KB 7003225 "ZENworks Configuration Management SP2 (10.2)" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support