Novell Netware 6.5 SP8
Applied Support Pack 8 on Netware 6.5 server.
Error 1004 Time out waiting for NDMPD.nlm to initialize when try to start BackupExec or High Utilization on the Server or both.
Error 1004 Time out waiting for NDMPD.nlm to initialize when try to start BackupExec or High Utilization on the Server or both.
The solution to the problem is to avoid loading NWTAPE.CDM in
first place. For this, you need to edit STARTUP.NCF, remove any line that loads
NWTAPE.CDM and add the following line:
SET Auto Load of CDM Modules = OFF
SET Auto Load of CDM Modules = OFF
Additional Information
The driver NWTAPE.CDM included with SP8 has the issue in that, if it is loaded
and then unloaded, it leaves the storage driver in an undefined state and all
further tape driver you try to load will fail. This will cause a problem with
third party backup programs for many people. In fact, given that the server
generally automatically loads NWTAPE.CDM when it recognizes a tape drive, people
will often include the command UNLOAD NWTAPE in their AUTOEXEC.NCF before
loading the backup software. With the new NWTAPE.CDM, this will cause the backup
software to fail.