Novell GroupWise 7
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Active Directory
User Policies set in Active Directory
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Active Directory
User Policies set in Active Directory
Unable to add users from Novell Address Book to a Group created in Personal Address book.
Steps to Duplicate :--
1.Authenticate to Active Directory from workstation at boot up.
2. Login to GroupWise.
3. Cilck on Address book and create a personal Address book.
4. Create test group in personal address book.
5. Right click to group Details select Add.
6. Select Novell GroupWise Address book. Add Few user to that group.click OK and close the personal address book.
7. Open address book and edit the Group and add users from Novell GroupWise address book to the test group. It will not allow you to add users. It allowed to add user for
first time and you are not able to add users for second time
Note: If you login to the "workstation only", as an administrator, it works.
Steps to Duplicate :--
1.Authenticate to Active Directory from workstation at boot up.
2. Login to GroupWise.
3. Cilck on Address book and create a personal Address book.
4. Create test group in personal address book.
5. Right click to group Details select Add.
6. Select Novell GroupWise Address book. Add Few user to that group.click OK and close the personal address book.
7. Open address book and edit the Group and add users from Novell GroupWise address book to the test group. It will not allow you to add users. It allowed to add user for
first time and you are not able to add users for second time
Note: If you login to the "workstation only", as an administrator, it works.
Reported to Engineering.
Bug Number