Novell GroupWise 8
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell Messenger 2.2
GroupWise Agents (MTA & POA) status shows a "unused" or "dead".
GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) status shows as "unused" or "dead".
GroupWise WebAccess Agent status shows as "unused" or "dead".
GroupWise Messenger Agent status shows as "unused" or "dead".
This document is intended to provide a workaround for customers that don't want to use GWHA. One can make use to these scripts that will help in minimizing the downtime.
Here is a sample script to manage agent status. This script checks to see if the GroupWise MTA/POA/GWIA/WebAccess agent is running, if not than it restarts it and sends an e-mail notification.
GroupWise MTA
declare -i CNT=0
#Modify the name of the GroupWise MTA agent startup file to match the actual name.
CNT=`ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -c '@domain_name.mta'`
if [ $CNT -eq 0 ]
echo "Restarting the GroupWise MTA"
echo "Restarted the GroupWise MTA" `! date` >> /var/log/novell/groupwise/gwmtachk.log
#Modify the name of the domain to match the actual name. You can check the name by running "rcgrpwise status". Consider the one in brackets.
/etc/init.d/grpwise start domain_name &
mail -s "GroupWise MTA restarted" emailaddress@yourdomain.com < /var/log/novell/groupwise/smtpalertmta.txt
echo "The GroupWise MTA is running"
GroupWise POA
declare -i CNT=0
#Modify the name of the GroupWise WebAccess agent startup file to match the actual name.
CNT=`ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -c '@post_office.poa'`
if [ $CNT -eq 0 ]
echo "Restarting the GroupWise POA"
echo "Restarted the GroupWise POA" `! date` >> /var/log/novell/groupwise/gwachk.log
# #Modify the name of the Post Office to match the actual name. You can check the name by running "rcgrpwise status". Consider the one in brackets.
/etc/init.d/grpwise start post_office.poa &
mail -s "GroupWise WebAccess restarted" emailaddress@yourdomain.com < /var/log/novell/groupwise/smtpalertpoa.txt
echo "The GroupWise POA is running"
declare -i CNT=0
#Modify the name of the GroupWise Internet Agent startup file to match the actual name.
CNT=`ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -c '@GWIA.cfg'`
if [ $CNT -eq 0 ]
echo "Restarting the GroupWise Internet Agent"
echo "Restarted the GroupWise Internet Agent" `! date` >> /var/log/novell/groupwise/gwiachk.log
# #Modify the name of the GWIA to match the actual name. You can check the name by running "rcgrpwise status". Consider the one in brackets.
/etc/init.d/grpwise start domain.GWIA &
mail -s "GWIA restarted" emailaddress@yourdomain.com < /var/log/novell/groupwise/smtpalertgwia.txt
echo "The GWIA is running"
declare -i CNT=0
#Modify the name of the GroupWise WebAccess agent startup file to match the actual name.
CNT=`ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -c '@webac80a.waa'`
if [ $CNT -eq 0 ]
echo "Restarting the GroupWise WebAccess"
echo "Restarted the GroupWise WebAccesss" `! date` >> /var/log/novell/groupwise/gwachk.log
# #Modify the name of the WebAccess to match the actual name. You can check the name by running "rcgrpwise status". Consider the one in brackets.
/etc/init.d/grpwise start WEBAC80A &
mail -s "GroupWise WebAccess restarted" emailaddress@yourdomain.com < /var/log/novell/groupwise/smtpalertwebaccess.txt
echo "The GroupWise WebAccess is running"
Novell Instant Messenger
declare -i CNT=0
#Check if the Messenger is running or not.
CNT=`ps -aef | grep -v grep | grep -c 'strtup.ma'`
if [ $CNT -eq 0 ]
echo "Restarted the Messenger Agent" `! date` >> /var/log/novell/groupwise/ma.log
/etc/init.d/novell-nmma start
echo "The Messenger Agent is running"
Copy the above content in a file and make that file as executable.
Make sure to execute the script with the help CRON job.
Additional Information
How to write shell script
Following steps are required to write shell script:
chmod permission your-script-name
Examples:$ chmod +x your-script-name
$ chmod 755 your-script-name
Note: This will set read write execute(7) permission for owner, for group and other permission is read and execute only(5).
(3) Execute your script as
bash your-script-name
sh your-script-name
Examples:$ bash bar
$ sh bar
$ ./bar
NOTE In the last syntax ./ means current directory, But only . (dot) means execute given command file in current shell without starting the new copy of shell, The syntax for . (dot) command is as follows
. command-name
Example:$ . foo