Important Log Files for DSFW

  • 7002907
  • 03-Apr-2009
  • 01-Oct-2013


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11.1 (OES11 SP1)
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2SP2 (OES 2SP2)
Domain Services for Windows


What log files should I look at for DSfW issues?
Key DSfW logs


Important log files:
/var/log/YaST2/y2log Install/ provisioning messages
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/ndsdcinit.log Install/provisioning log
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/provision.log Provisioning wizard log
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/ndsd.log eDir messages
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/novell-xad.log XAD startup and  commands logged
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/kdc.log Kerberos log
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/kpasswdd.log Kerberos password change server log
/var/opt/novell/xad/log/dsfw-changes.log Lists changes to objects
/var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/schema.log Check schema extentions
/var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/nmasinst.log NMAS Configuration
/var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/pki-install.logPKI install messages
Samba log
Winbind log
Winbind log
/var/log/messages logs boot problem
/var/opt/novell/log/named/ DNS log

%windir%\debug\netsetup.log (on the windows workstation)  - Useful when trouble shooting authentication issues
    Example: c:\windows\debug\netsetup.log

Additional Information

Prior to OES11 the ndsd.log was located in /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/ndsd.log
The setting can be check with ndsconfig get n4u.server.log-file