Error while installing DHCP services on a NW5 server.

  • 7002845
  • 27-Mar-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Formally TID #2945909
Novell NetWare 5.0


Error while installing DHCP services on a NW5 server.
Error 333 Running DNSDHCP -R.
Error: The schema needs to be extended.
Trying to extend the schema causes error saying it had already  been extended.
Removal of schema appeared to run for a minute, then returned  error:
Error: DNIPINST -R  - 333 -- Error occurred deleting NDS Object.


Extend the schema (by running DNIPINST) from the server that holds the Master replica of the ROOT partition.   Preferably, this should be a NetWare5 server.   Also see  TID 7002488 
***CAUTION: DO NOT run DNIPINST -R on a NetWare 6.5 server! It can cause the deletion of all the group objects in your tree.***  See KB 10090165 - DNIPINST -R removes all group objects in the tree.

Additional Information

The server the customer was working on did not have a replica of the root partition.  
NOTE:  DNIPINST -R removes ALL DNS and DHCP objects from the ENTIRE tree.  If you have any functioning DNS or DHCP servers in the tree you should not use this option.
Formerly known as TID# 10014299