Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms
With multiple instances installed, eDirectory upgrade reports "failed dib upgrade"
Before the upgrade starts, all the instances have to be stopped. Therefore, the health check will always report a time sync error. If this is the only error in the health check file, this warning can be ignored. The file in question is /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/ndscheck.log. Here's an example of this timesync error:
Server Name Status Time Sync Time Delta Replica State
.CN=nts34.O=novell.T=JJS-885. UP YES 0 m:0 s ON
.CN=nts34-1.O=novell.T=JJS-885. DOWN -626 - - ON
Server Name Status Time Sync Time Delta Replica State
.CN=nts34.O=novell.T=JJS-885. UP YES 0 m:0 s ON
.CN=nts34-1.O=novell.T=JJS-885. DOWN -626 - - ON