Unable to delete workstation objects in ZCM's web interface ZCC.

  • 7002801
  • 23-Mar-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1


All servers were upgraded from 10.0.x to the 10.1.x version. Although ZCC says probable cause is that it is a server, the devices are workstations and not servers.

Tried deleting the workstation via "zman wd <>" and it gave the Error:

/Devices/Workstations/Dead Workstations/cls-045-109 -" can not be deleted as it has associations or dependencies. Please remove the associations or dependencies to delete this object.

Verified that the workstation devices did NOT have any associations.


Currently Novell has been unable to duplicate this issue.

Its has been found that all devices had the database flag "undeleteable" set. Novell dialed in, removed that flag from the workstations, and the workstation devices were able to be deleted.