Error -613 adding volume to NDS while creating new volumes using iManager or NSSMU on OES2 SP1 Linux Server

  • 7002763
  • 17-Mar-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell iManager 2.7


Error -613 while creating new pools and volumes on OES Linux Server using either iManager or NSSMU.
Pools and volumes are created but no objects created in eDirectory tree.


  1. Make sure that the Server holds a real copy replica, Master or Read/Write.
  2. Add the NSS volume path to the file /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf as

Parameter value: VOLUME ncp_volume_name linux_file_system_path

Example: VOLUME sys /usr/novell/sys

  1. Reconfigure NSS through YAST and make sure that NSS admin object must be specified in the context in which the Server resides i.e the context for NSS admin object should be same as the Server context. In doing so make sure that the schema is extended. Use the command below to check if schema is extended:


set ndstrace=nodebug

set ndstrace=+scma

set ndstrace=*ssa

set ndstrace=*ssd

  1. Also the NSS admin object created should have supervisory rights to the container in which the Server resides.
  2. Restart NAMCD using “rcnamcd restart” command and NSS using “rcnovell-nss stop” and “rcnovell-nss start” and then update NDS using F4 in NSSMU.

Additional Information


An error 613 is returned if the server has no eDirectory Read/Write replica. The error occurs because NCP cannot map to the pool or volume.

NSS admin object was created in a wrong container.
In case of a cluster environment, make sure the Cluster Resource container object is not a partition. If found then merge it with its parent partition