Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) 8
Novell GroupWise Gateway - 7.x Gateway for Lotus Notes 7.x
Novell GroupWise Gateway - 7.x Gateway for MS Exchange
Possible Symptoms include:
Emails received from a Distribution list have the same user in the TO: line for all received emails.
All Users are setup to be on the TO: line of the Distribution list.
Emails received from a Distribution list has the user who received the email on the BC: line.
A fix has been made available in GroupWise 8.0.2. This fix is not for the Gateways themselves, but for the GroupWise Engine code.
Additional Information
This TID is also comprised of KB 3116192, due to the similar nature, symptoms and relevance or the issue.
To create Distribution list:
- Go into ConsoleOne.
- As the Distribution list is to be set up on a Post Office level, be sure to right click and connect to the Domain that owns the Post Office.
- Right click the desired Post Office, in the Domain that ConsoleOne is connected to, highlight New then select Distribution List.
- Give the Distribution List a name and choose a container for the list to reside in.
- Go into the properties of the list and add users as desired. A Nickname or visibility may be added/changed as desired.
To duplicate problem:
- In the properties of the Distribution List, place all addressed users in the TO: field and not the CC: or BC: fields.
- From outside the GroupWise system send an email to the Distribution List through one of the Gateways (Lotus, Exchange or the GWIA).
- If the email comes through the Lotus or Exchange gateway, then in the emails received by the users, only one user will appear in the TO: line of the received email from the Distribution List and it will be the same user on all emails. This user is typically the first one found in the properties of the Distribution list.
- If the email comes through the GWIA, then in the emails received by the users, the receiving user will find their name in the BC: line of the email and not the TO: line.