mismatched scan id

  • 7002673
  • 17-Feb-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 1 - 10.1 Inventory


Inventory information not updated. 
ERROR (from loader-messages.log):
[DEBUG] [2/17/09 5:56:19 AM] [] [InventoryStorer] [Exception: com.novell.zenworks.inventory.inventorystorer.InventoryStorer$InvalidWifException: InvalidWifException: mismatched scan id detected for DEVICE_NAME (last known id= <unknown>, previous scan id= 8cf4e4f0d0fc154ebaaafcae55df8ff1)] [Exception: com.novell.zenworks.inventory.inventorystorer.InventoryStorer$InvalidWifException: InvalidWifException: mismatched scan id detected for DEVICE_NAME (last known id= <unknown>, previous scan id= 8cf4e4f0d0fc154ebaaafcae55df8ff1)] [] []


Ensure that the server and agents have their times synchronized.