Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell Identity Manager 3.5
Novell Identity Manager 3.5.1
Novell Identity Manager 3.6
MTA reports"ADM: Error: [D109] Update replica" after changing user information
Changes In ConsoleOne for GroupWise users are not replicating through the GroupWise systemIDM with GroupWise Driver is being used.
Passwords not changing, user renames not sticking, changes to Internet Addressing Over rides not sticking.
Overall Changes in ConsoleOne to GroupWise objects do not replicate properly to other domains and post offices.
Overall Changes in ConsoleOne to GroupWise objects do not replicate properly to other domains and post offices.
This issue is a result of a malfunction found in the GroupWise driver for IDM
The issue has been fixed in the IDM 3.5.3 version 2 or later. This can now be downloaded from Novell.com/Downloads and at the time of this writing was known by IDM 3.6.0/3.5.1 GroupWise Driver Version 3.5.3 Patch 2. (A version by this name or newer should contain the fix.)
Once the IDM driver has been updated there are additional steps that need to be taken to correct the sychronization issues in GroupWise which were created as a result of this malfunction.
GroupWise Will need to have the primary domain validated and a Top Down rebuild of the entire GroupWise system needs to be preformed.
* ConsoleOne snapins dated later then May 29th 2009 will be able to Validate the database and remove the Tags corrupted by the IDM GroupWise driver.
Steps to resolve issues:
The issue has been fixed in the IDM 3.5.3 version 2 or later. This can now be downloaded from Novell.com/Downloads and at the time of this writing was known by IDM 3.6.0/3.5.1 GroupWise Driver Version 3.5.3 Patch 2. (A version by this name or newer should contain the fix.)
Once the IDM driver has been updated there are additional steps that need to be taken to correct the sychronization issues in GroupWise which were created as a result of this malfunction.
GroupWise Will need to have the primary domain validated and a Top Down rebuild of the entire GroupWise system needs to be preformed.
* ConsoleOne snapins dated later then May 29th 2009 will be able to Validate the database and remove the Tags corrupted by the IDM GroupWise driver.
Steps to resolve issues:
- Update IDM driver to IDM 3.5.3 Version 2 or later.
- Validate the GroupWise Primary domain using ConsoleOne snapins date May 29th or later
- Perform a Top Down rebuild on the GroupWise system to insure all GroupWise Databases are in sync
- In ConsoleOne Connect to the primary domain.
- Right Click and choose | System Maintenance | Validate database and Run
- Insure the validate is completed on the primary domain from above
- Run a recover from the same menu as the validation was performed.
- One by one rebuild all secondary domains while connected in ConsoleOne to the primary domain
- Once the Secondary Domains have been rebuilt Connect to each of the secondaries and rebuild all post offices they own.
- This will rebuild all GroupWise database from the top which is the Primary all the way through each domain and then finally down to each post office which we will consider the bottom.
* All Administration in ConsoleOne must be stopped during the time of the rebuild in order that replication of IDM issue does not sync back through the system. Allow no administrative change until the rebuilds are completed.
* All Domains and Gateway as well as post office during the time they are being rebuilt will need to be offline. The entire system does not have to come down at once, each Domain and PO can be taken down as they are being rebuilt as long as synchronization and administrative changes are not made until completed.
The corrected snapins are now included in the GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1 patch
* All Domains and Gateway as well as post office during the time they are being rebuilt will need to be offline. The entire system does not have to come down at once, each Domain and PO can be taken down as they are being rebuilt as long as synchronization and administrative changes are not made until completed.
The corrected snapins are now included in the GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1 patch
NOTE: There are customers who are seeing the D109 errors without the GW IDM drivers in their environment. For these customers, do a GWCHECK Structural Rebuild and Fix Problems using the GWCHECK from the GroupWise 8.02 HP3, or later, patch