Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.4 - ZPM6.4
The virtual storage directory is the location in which ZENworks Patch Management Update stores packages that have been downloaded to the ZENworks Patch Management Update Server. The default location of this directory is C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks Patch Management Server\Storage\00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\.
In some instances, it may be necessary to move the Storage repository for Update Server to a new location with more disk space. The following TID provides instructions on performing this action.
Use the following steps to properly move the storage repository for the ZENworks Patch Management Update Server:
Verify Storage Location Configuration
You may confirm the Storage location is configured correctly by deploying the A - Deployment Test and Diagnostic Package from ZPM Update to a test machine. If the test machine does not fail the deployment with a 190D error (download failure), the Storage directory is functioning properly.
Alternatively, perform a DAU by clicking the Detect ASAP button on the PatchLink Update Agent Control Panel and then, once finished, check the Detection Log for a similar entry as shown below, indicating the OS Pack file was able to be found and/or downloaded:
2009/02/09 21:55:20.0113,0,Beginning single pass fingerprint evaluation
2009/02/09 21:55:20.0910,0, Successfully downloaded OS Pack file '/UpdateStorage/OSPacks/Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.osp' - last modified = 'Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:01:36 GMT' ETag = '"d0edaed4e88ac91:ec6"'
- Stop IIS using the following from a CMD Prompt:
- Stop the PatchLink Distribution Service (PatchLink Replication Service in version 6.4) using the following from a CMD Prompt:
- NET STOP "PatchLink Distribution Service"
- or
- NET STOP "PatchLink Replication Service"
- Create a new directory on the new location for the repository (e.g., D:\ZENworks Patch Management, etc.).
- Copy the PatchLink Update Server Storage directory from the existing location (C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks Patch Management Server\Storage by default).
- Open REGEDIT and drill down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PatchLink.com\Update\ISAPI\.
- Modify the Storage string value to match the new repository location (e.g., D:\ZENworks Patch Management\Storage).
- Open a CMD Prompt and type the following command to update the database, where SystemConfig_Value matches the new repository location:
- Type OSQL -E and press Enter.
- Type USE PLUS and press Enter.
- Type UPDATE SystemConfig SET SystemConfig_Value = 'D:\ZENworks Patch Management\Storage' WHERE SystemConfig_Name = 'Storage' and press Enter.
- Type GO and press Enter.
- Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and drill down to the Novell ZENworks Patch Management Server website.
- Right click on UpdateStorage and select Properties.
- Under the Virtual Directory tab, click the Browse... button and select the new repository location.
- Click OK and close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Restart IIS executing IISRESET from a CMD Prompt.
- Restart the PatchLink Distribution Service (PatchLink Replication Service in version 6.4) using the following from a CMD Prompt:
Verify Storage Location Configuration
You may confirm the Storage location is configured correctly by deploying the A - Deployment Test and Diagnostic Package from ZPM Update to a test machine. If the test machine does not fail the deployment with a 190D error (download failure), the Storage directory is functioning properly.
Alternatively, perform a DAU by clicking the Detect ASAP button on the PatchLink Update Agent Control Panel and then, once finished, check the Detection Log for a similar entry as shown below, indicating the OS Pack file was able to be found and/or downloaded:
2009/02/09 21:55:20.0113,0,Beginning single pass fingerprint evaluation
2009/02/09 21:55:20.0910,0, Successfully downloaded OS Pack file '/UpdateStorage/OSPacks/Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.osp' - last modified = 'Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:01:36 GMT' ETag = '"d0edaed4e88ac91:ec6"'