Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1 Tiered Electronic Distribution (TED)
After copying zfs-startup.xml to distribution server from a subscriber, can't refresh the distributor using ConsoleOne.
ERROR: Unable to perform the remote call. Make sure the following remote servers have ZENworks Server Management running properly: zenserver.org
ERROR (from ConsoleOne debug screen using -windowout -debug): Failed getting remote XMLRPC security state and port
Check that the zfs-startup.xml has the following tags specific to distributor: DistributorDN, Password, Database.
For example:
<Parameter Name="DistributorDN">Distributor_zenserver.org</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="Password">distributor_password</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="Database">Server Management Database_zenserver.org</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="Password">distributor_password</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="Database">Server Management Database_zenserver.org</Parameter>
assuming that zws.properties is good and includes port and security false settings.
Additional Information
After illegal server stop, occasionally zfs-startup.xml becomes 0 bytes. It's a good idea to back it up after install for safekeeping.