In Sentinel how do I increase the amount of memory given to the Communications service?

  • 7002573
  • 06-Feb-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Sentinel 6.1
Progress SonicMQ 7.0


Over a Sentinel installation's lifetime it may be determined that there is a need to increase the amount of RAM allocated to the Communications service central to Sentinel operations.  Most memory settings are manipulated via the configuration.xml file located in $ESEC_HOME/config but the Communications service is not in this location as it is a third party product.


On the main Sentinel Server or on a server with the Sonic Management Console (SMC) installed load the SMC and authenticate to Sonic as shown in the documentation.

Select the 'Configure' tab and expand the 'Containers' folder underneath it.
For each container that should have its environment updated (all of them by default) do the following:
Right-click on the container and select Properties.
Select the Environment tab
Modify the Xmx, and optional Xms, setting in the Java VM Options text box.

Exit the SMC and restart the Sentinel service on the server.

The process should now the new memory settings on the command line when viewed with the appropriate utilities like 'ps'.