IDM Remote Loader & Windows 2008 Install

  • 7002533
  • 03-Feb-2009
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell Identity Manager 3.6
Novell Identity Manager - Remote Loader


Having trouble setting up the Remote Loader when using an Administrator account other than the default (built-in) Administrator account.
- You can install the Connected System component with any Administrator account. If not using the built-in Administrator account, there will be an initial prompt though (you just confirm it and continue)

- Once the installation has completed, if you try to configure a new instance of the Remote Loader with rlconsole.exe, the executable will collect all the information and then abort with an "Access Denied" error. The configuration file is created with the info you filled in, but the service is not installed. Any subsequent attempt to start the service will thus fail..


The Access Denied error has to do with a new way that Admin accounts behave in Windows 2008. For more info on this, read this link:

With Windows 2008. When performing an admin operation (like creating a new service), you need to start the program in a special way. If you right click it and then chose "Run as administrator", then you can create the instance and service successfully. Once the services are created, a normal Administrator account would have rights to start or stop the Remote Loader services. Another workaround is to disabling Microsoft UAC.